Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What a day...

It is very hard to describe yesterday other than "what a day".  One of the days you dream of and see on television.  We started in the morning with a guide who spoke english that Anne arranged through a Facebook contact she met who is the mayor of a small town near where her family grew up and ended up at dinner in the home of relatives, with an 88 year old woman repeatedly telling me in Italian "you must eat more".  Everything in between is still a little of a blur, but involved searching through records, meeting with priests at churches and some of the most incredible hospitality and assistance of local people who believe it is important to reconnect with family.  We have more appointments this morning so it will be a day or two until we can expand on what happened, but I will leave you with this photo from yesterday

One of the few items we had to search for Anne family was a handful of photos her uncle gave her from a trip about 40 years ago.  The man on the left below, is the man in the center above, and the boy in the center below is the man on the right of Anne.  What a day....

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