Thursday, September 6, 2018

GOT Cruise and Walking Tour

We had a fun Game of Thrones tour that began with a nice sail around the Dubrovnik bay  - so that we could take in the entire city...beautiful, and ended with a 1/2 walking tour of some of the GOT sites.  Our guide kept us entertained, filled us in on the local gossip related to the filming.  A few film facts: the filming is no longer in Dubrovnik, but they had a good run from 2011 to 2017; the cast and crew initially were friendly and milled about the city just like any tourists, but as their fame grew - their presence did not - and eventually, they just hid from everyone; the extras played by Dubrovnik residents earned around 50 Euro a day - and were on set from 430 AM to well after sunset - the perk was the catered food; and each scene was filmed around 30 times - because there is no stage set and they cannot easily go back to the spot they were filming.  Apparently, the crew left Dubrovnik because of the expense and the tourists - both problematic. Season 8 was filmed in Spain and their Ireland studio.   Photos below of the actual scene and a snippet from the show for comparisons.

Our ship around the bay, a replica of the ships that were made in Dubrovnik up until the 1600s, when an earthquake struck Dubrovnik and destroyed the shipyard - that was the end of the Dubrovnik shipbuilders.

Above: Walk of shame steps - where the below shot from GOT was filmed.

Above: Walk of shame scene from GOT.  Notice the church in the background does not exist in the actual location (two photos above), the guide explained that the area above the staircase had a green screen across it, so that the church in the background could be photoshopped in.  Our guide explained that the items thrown at Cersci Lannister were actually sponges (plentiful here in the Adriatic), dipped in brown stuff. 

Above: Actual location just inside the Dubrovnik city walls. 

Above: Scene of Joffrey arriving at King's Landing - where the townspeople rioted.

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