Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Spectacular Dubrovnik

We arrived very late by ferry in Dubrovnik, and did not make it out to the city last night.  But we were up with the sun to walk the city wall.  This is the number one attraction -  walking the wall that encases this beautiful old town -  we read that it can be very crowded and turn into a lemming line-up, thus the reason we beat feet very early.  Apparently there are limited cruise ships in town today and we were fortunate, there were no lemming sightings - this must be what it feels like to go to an amusement park which is only half full - no waiting in long lines.  We have also been fortunate with the weather.  Rain has been predicted all week, but not a cloud in sight and the forecast has vastly improved to reasonable temperatures without precipitation.  We'll share what we learn from our GOT tour later tonight.  Just some shots of Old Town Dubrovnik - notice the majority of roofs are new - lots of bombing here during the 1990s war.

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