Sunday, May 21, 2017

Beer Tour

We booked a beer tour this afternoon that took us to 3 different breweries in a new part of town.  It was nice.  The first place had a sampler of 8 different beers, the next two places only served he beer they made on-site.  We learned a lot about beer and Czech culture.  It was a good afternoon.  A few shots are below.

Interesting sculpture on the tour.  Large sculpture of a face that would rotate from a 
recognizable face to an unrecognizable globe.  Interesting.

Beer sampler from the first brewery  Eight different small beers to try.  As you can 
see form the colors they were very different.

Favorite Czech bar food, cheese curd with cheese and herbs inside, served with peppers.  It came with bread and was very good with the beer.

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