Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Next Adventure - Prague, Czech Republic

The next adventure will be a solo for Mark, but linking up with Brittani and Kyle in Prague.  I had planned to go to Spain and Portugal in April, but decided not to go at the last minute.  My wonderful wife suggested I should see if I could change my frequent flyer ticket to go to Prague when Brittani and Kyle were planning to visit, but it was only a few weeks notice and I figured there was no way I could get a reasonable frequent flyer ticket.  To my surprise I was able to get very good routing on British Airways to be in Prague for a week.  I am overlapping with Brittani and Kyle for 4 days and very excited.  I have plans to go Kunta Hora (a great town about 2 hours north of Prague) before they arrive and we have two half day tours planned together.  Prague is a great city and while I have been there, Anne and I were only there a couple days 10 years ago and much of it is a blur.  It is considered one of the most picturesque cities in Europe and I am hoping I can get some great shots.  I am excited to spend an entire week and not be driving all over the countryside like my last adventure.  Stay tuned.

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