Thursday, May 28, 2015

Great first day

I have always wanted to come to Istanbul, as it is such a center of things.  Where Europe meets Asia, passed back and forth from Christianity and Islam multiple times, yet it is one of the most progressive cities in an Islamic country.  One fact I heard today stunned me.  Istanbul was only 500,000 people 30 years ago and now is over 13 million.  A 25 times growth in 30 years.  Much has to do with immigration patterns I hope to learn more about tomorrow.

My goal today was to walk around to see the city and I sure did.  According to my fitbit, I walked 10 miles and hit 20,000 steps.  Lots of sights, sounds and fragrances.  I walked to the Grand Bazaar, Spice Market and took a Bosphorus cruise.  It was a great day.

Grand Bazaar
Spice Market
Boats where they catch fish and serve on sandwiches

The busy Bosphorus, there were boats, cruise ships,
oil tankers and container ships everywhere.  Very busy waterway.
View of the Bosphorus shoreline
Castle along the water, I am sure to guard the
Bosphorus at some point

Suleyman Mosque, on tomorrow's agenda

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