Sunday, June 14, 2015

A day at the salt mines.....

You hear that comment a lot in reference to a long day at work, but in this case, I did spend a day in a salt mine.  There has been salt mining in Hallstatt for 7,000 years.  That's 5,000 BC.  The mine tour is highly rated so I took it.  Salt was more valuable in prehistoric times than gold or oil is to us today. What a unique experience.

View point at the mine complex, hanging out in space

The oldest wooden staircase known of.  From 1100 BC.  Being in
a salt mine preserves things very well.
Unique slide system to get to lower levels.  Wooden rails and
you can really pick up speed.
View of people going down the slide
Their photo of me going down the slide.  Sorry, too focused on taking
a picture to smile.  Notice the speed of 29 kilometers to hour, that's
18 miles per hour.  Before anyone questions a wardrobe malfunction, the red
coveralls they had us put on over our clothes did not have any buttons or zipper

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