Saturday, June 20, 2015

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

When you travel as much as Anne and me, you know that on rare occasions, the wheels may come off completely and they did for Anne on her way here.  She made it, but two missed flights and one extra country later, she landed.  Her original itinerary was Sacramento-LA-Atlanta-Milan on Delta.  Unfortunately, when she hit Atlanta, there were terrible thunderstorms and they would not let them off the plane and she missed the flight to Milan.  They re-booked her that evening through Madrid and then on to Milan.  Again, unfortunately, the flight came in late and she missed her connection to Milan and had to wait for another flight.  She eventually showed up at Milan about 8 hours late and doing everything in her power to remain positive.  The drive to the French Riveria helped and definitely when we arrived in Nice she was fine.  Long, tough trip, but she is finally here.

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