Thursday, June 25, 2015

Le Musee Departemental Aries Antique

We walked over to the local natural history museum and it was a very interesting presentation.  The focus of the museum is on the evolution of Arles.  One of the key objects was a barge from Roman times (BC).  They had discovered it about a decade ago in sediment in the river and went to great effort to recover it and all the materials like it.

View from the end of the barge, it was very large and is over
2,000 years old.  Pots along the side were from the same discovery.

Some of the recovered Roman fascia.  This was one of the most emotional ones.

Sketch of the Amphitheater from the 1400's.  After the fall of Rome, the
amphitheater had about 150 homes move inside for protection.

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