Monday, June 8, 2015

Ehrenberg Ruins

I wasn't sure I was going to get done at the other castles in time to do this hike today, but fortunately I did.  This is one I saw Rick Steves do on TV and was high on my list.  It was a two castle ruins on a set of hill, connected by a suspension bridge.  Very nice hike and great ruins.  I am not always a fan of suspension bridges, but this was a very nice and very new bridge.

Set of ruins from the 13th century on top of a steep hill

View from the other hill, over the cable bridge
I know I am an engineer on sabbatical, but this was a really nicely engineered
cable bridge.  I am not the most dainty person and I have a strong respect for
bridges that are well designed.  This was very new and well constructed bridge. 
 I felt very good while walking across it.

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