Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Linderhof Castle

With visiting two castles and a set of ruins yesterday, visiting another castle was not top on my list today, but I was set to leave Fussen and drive to Munich, which is just under a 2 hour drive.  Wanting to break things up and not get to the hotel too early, I checked out what was on the way and found Linderhof Castle was the top venue on the way, so I played the had I was dealt. 

This is also one of King Ludwig's castles, but what made it unique was it was smaller, more remote and completely finished.  The two I saw yesterday (including the Beauty and the Beast Castle) were under construction when Ludwig died and have never been finished. 

I was very impressed by Linderhof.  While much smaller, the finishing was impressive.  It was made to be a much smaller version of Versailles, just outside of Paris.  Having been to Versailles last year, I must say they did a great job.

Fountain in front of the castle

Fountain and gardens on the side of the castle,
very reminiscent of Versailles.

View of the Castle and fountain from up on the hill.

Upper garden area

Huge network of iron arches with grape-like vines
growing over them. 

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