Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The road less traveled....

A I prepared to leave Lake Como and cross Switzerland to Staufen in southern Germany, I had two choices.  Google and my GPS were telling me to take the ferry across the lake and go up through Lucerne on the main highway.  Projected time, 4.5 hours.  The alternate route Google game me was up through a national forest, near St. Moritz and then through Zurich.  Projected time, 5 hours.  I figured what the heck, I am going to take the secondary road and stay off the main highway.  It was a great decision, but did cost me some time.  I was not aware the bypass tunnel around Zurich was closed for some reason.  I am so glad I bought the European map chip for my gps, or I would still be in Zurich.  I digress from the trip, it did take me almost 7 hours, but it was great.  I am glad the weather was good, as it had many very steep roads and switchback.  That does come with great views though.  Here are a few.

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