Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hiking in the rain

Weather has been pretty good overall on my trip, but it did rain much of today.  I am ashamed to admit I pondered for a minute this morning deciding if I should go in the rain and my inner Washingtonian convinced me that 3 years in California had made me soft, expecting the sun so shine every day.  Thus, I headed out in the rain and it was a good call.  It stopped after a while and was a nice hike, just over 10 miles to the towns of Selo and Kupljenik.   It had a lot more hills than I expected, but going on a hike that is a circle is a great motivator, even if you are tired half way, the only way home is to walk.

View from the room before my hike.  There were crew practices

View back at Lake Bled.  You can see the castle behind
the haze on the hill in the distance.

A cow that was clearly unimpressed by me walking by. 
She continued to stare at me the entire time I walked past.

Painting on the outside of the local fire department.  You can see
 the person pouring a bucket of water on a house on fire.

Interesting way they dry hay

The rivers running through the valley were gorgeous, very
clear and a green hue.  I caught a fly fisherman in the river.

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