Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Romantic Road

Rothenburg is at the north end of what has been marketed as the "romantic road" since the 1950's.  A bunch of old historic towns along a secondary road.  As I was going to Fussen at the southern end of the romantic road, I figured I would try it.  What would be a 2.5 hour drive on the autobahn, should be about 3.5 hours without stops.  It was a hard to find at first, but they do have some signs.

Problem is, they were mounted low and in places, the grass had grown over them.  I missed more than one of them and eventually turned around and back tracked.  Also the towns were not that interesting other than one.  I stopped climbed the church tower and took some pictures.  At that point, the romance ended and I headed for the autobahn.
The one town I stopped at was very nice.  Many buildings here have large birds nest that the owner installs on them, hoping storks will roost there.  It is considered good luck.  This nest did have some storks.


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