Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Arrived in Munich

I left Fussen this morning, stopped at a castle on the way and arrived in Munich early afternoon.  I was surprised that I saw easily 100 police vehicles on the trip, but I understand the G7 is in the area with President Obama and other leaders.  I am sure that's what must of have been driving the extensive police coverage.

I made it to the hotel in the old part of town fine, other than my GPS had a couple of the one-way streets going in the wrong direction and I had to work through that, but was able to.  It was pretty tight in the downtown area, but I found a garage near the hotel.  I dropped my stuff and walked around for a few hours, here are some shots below.  Tomorrow I have a walking tour of the town.

There were a lot of fruit and vegetable stands down town.  Cherries, strawberry's and
white asparagus are the most common items.  White asparagus is very popular
in this part of Germany and on most restaurant menu's.

I knew the German's were very pro-alternative energy, but check out the
solar panel on this woman's backpack.  Must be hooked to her phone.

Lots of street characters downtown.  Caught this one having some Fanta.

Traditional German beer garden

Beer garden was surrounded by food shops (cheese, meat, bread, etc.),
seems like people stop for a beer and then shop for dinner.

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