Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Staufen is a quaint little town at the base of the black forest in southern Germany.  As I drove to it, I expected it to be heavily wooded, but the road coming in was across a very fertile and flat farming land that came up to heavily wooded hills.  It reminded me of the Skagit Valley up near Anacortes in Washington.  When I arrived at Staufen, I thought it is a very nice little city.  I had to walk around it twice to get enough steps on by fit bit.   When I reached the hotel, I was pleasantly surprised with a castle on the hill in the distance.  Not as tough as the one in Varenna, but a good short hike before dinner.  The hotel is the orange building under the tree on the left.

After my hike, I had a beer at the café across the street
and caught something you only see in Europe, daily bread delivery.
A shot of the castle and a view of the city from the hill. The
entire hillside around the castle was planted with wine grapes. 


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